Thursday 10 March 2016

Captain Character Pre Production

For this project we were asked to exaggerate characters using a range of shapes to create bizarre proportions to then develop into a likeable character. I started off by creating some basic shapes for the character I wanted to create, which involved him transforming into a dog.

Here is where I began with basic proportions to mess around with such as longer limbs, top heavy or bigger heads. I did this with the dog designs as well.

I started to mess around with the dog proportions such as shape of the head, size of the snout and size of ears. However, I was particulary worried that it started to look more like a cat or rabbit so I decided to dull down those exaggerated parts.

There are two designs here that I started to prefer from the rabbit eared design. I wouldn't have developed a body design I liked without this excercise. The same goes for my final design for the human form.

Before creating the final design  I tried multiple other designs to consider and explore. I even tried to make the heads of the human and dog forms relatively similar to show features that suggest they are the same character.

I wasn't satisfied with the short stubby proportions of the human design so I gave it a longer body and legs. This started to take on a form I really like. Without realizing my design started to take on a form rather remeniscent of the characters of  the virual band 'Gorillaz'.

Other examples of exaggerated poses I tried to explore.

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